Saturday, May 21, 2016

Is it divisible by 5?

Sometimes you need to know if a number is evenly divisible by another number.  Today's hint is quite simple when determining if a number is divisible by 5.  If the dividend (the number being divided) ends with a 0 or 5, then it is always evenly divisible by 5.

Let's look at some examples.

1.) Is 164 evenly divisible by 5?
Step 1--Does the number being divided (164) end with a 0 or 5?  No!
Step 2--It is not evenly divisible by 5.  You can certainly divide it, but you will have a remainder of 4.
The answer is 32.8 or 32 4/5.

2.) Is 90 evenly divisible by 5?
Step 1--Does it 90 end with a 0 or 5?  Yes.
Step 2--It is evenly divisible by 5.  For every 100, 5 is divisible 20 times.  Since 90 is 10 less than 100, you can conclude that not only is it evenly divisible, but the quotient (the answer to a division problem) is 2 less than 20, which is 18.

3.) Is 10,495 evenly divisible by 5?
Step 1--Does 10,395 end with a 0 or 5?  Yes.
Step 2--It is evenly divisible by 5.  For every 1,000 being divided, 5 is divisible 200 times.  For 10,000 you can conclude that 10,000 is 10 x 1,000 and the answer to the first part of the solution is 10 x 200 = 2,000.
Step 3--Because we know that we can divide 5 into each 100 exactly 20 times, and 395 is 5 less than 400, we can conclude that 395 divided by 5 is simply 20 x 4 -1 = 79. 
Step 4--Add 2,000 + 79 = 2,079.  

Today's tip is easy to understand, and very practical if you need to divide a number by 5 without a remainder.  Create and practice a few examples on your own and share this helpful tip with a friend! 😄

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